Global Collaboration on Stage – Music Diplomacy Comes to Cleveland!
A free public concert featuring international and American musicians will cap a 10-day international exchange – American Music Abroad (AMA) Academy Cleveland. AMA Academy Cleveland brings together international musicians from the Ukrainian refugee communities in Cleveland, Ohio and North Carolina, as well as from Botswana, Egypt, Lebanon, and Nigeria, and pairs them with American musicians from Cleveland for cross-cultural collaboration through music with a focus on cultural preservation. AMA Academy Cleveland is part of American Music Abroad (AMA), the U.S.’ flagship music diplomacy exchange and an integral part of the recently-announced U.S. Department of State’s Global Music Diplomacy Initiative, which promotes peace and democracy and supports broader U.S. foreign policy goals to expand access to education, economic equity, and societal opportunity and inclusion.
AMA Academy Cleveland is part of American Music Abroad (AMA).